Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Magnolia English Academy


Magnolia English Academy is a private academic institution for English language learners of different classes (specially for PEC , JSC , SSC & HSC examinees).

According to Bangladesh National Curriculum Text Book Board, NCTB Syllabus.  We also provide academic English preparation ( English 1st  & 2nd Paper) for Class V, VI , VII , VIII, IX , Class X  and XI , XII . (specially  for PECE , JSC , SSC and HSC examination.)

Our aim is to improve you how to speak , write , read and understand ENGLISH spontaneously.  It is very easy to get  "A+" in English papers. You must get it , if you are punctual and hardworking . This is the notification for those students &  learners who want to learn ENGLISH easily and practically but correctly . Here  you will get the help to develop your Academic English perfectly. You will be amazed at how easily you can be.  So are you ready to get started?

Magnolia English Academy organized Computer Application Courses for both academic and Professional , We train here Microsoft Office Applications, Internet Fundamentals and Graphics Design.

Come , See and  grab it . 

You are most welcome to Magnolia English Academy

আপনার সন্তানের জন্য ম্যাগনোলিয়া ইংলিশ একাডেমি এর আয়োজন সমুহ - 

* সহজ ও শুদ্ধ ইংরেজি ভাষা জ্ঞান শিক্ষা

* অংকন সহ চারু ও কারুকলা

* তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি

Here we have arranged Learning environment for your children at Magnolia English Academy , Bogra. 
Just go over the tabs and links to get you need: 
thank you .